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Best of Z Bulletin Board For 2000
The bulletin board has been online since 1998 and a lot of great posts have come and gone. Instead of letting more great posts disappear, some of the more memorable posts will now be placed here for everyone's enjoyment.

Nominations for this section will be accepted via email. Please email the entire URL of the specific post from ZBB. Alternatively, just post a message on the BB. Thanks to everyone who has contributed their wonderful talents and making it such a great place for all of us.

TimeOnMyHands The Wit and Wisdom of StripperX... a Reader's Digest® Anthology
If you don't have the time or inclination to find out what StripperX is all about, read the Cliff notes.
StripperX Knowing if a dancer is REALLY interested?
Controversial poster StripperX gives her version of "How to pickup strippers."
Cambria Presumptions
"Although I am uncertain of the significance of this post, I was dying for something to post about so here is a strip club incident that may be of interest to people because it shows the human nature of labeling people before we know them..."
robertx Dos Equis vs Budweiser, or: An extended review of my travel to TJ
The TJ adventures of RobertX where he visits the high mileage town south of the border and reports back on the goodies.
wiggedin Dancers Scared Off
Wiggedin lists who scared of which dancer, then proceeds to impersonate and pre-post responses for his post by the regular posters. This could be a good Las Vegas act.
StraDawg The Great Sumo Pepsi One Weight Loss Challenge
Deuce decides to lose weight and starts a bet among heavyweight lap hounds. Who will win the free laps? Stay tuned to this page.
GreenDog SoCal BDSM
GreenDog decides to spill the beans and let everyone see the kinky side of himself.
4/14/2000 chuckman23, Anfernee,
Most Asian dancers?
One of my most FAQs is about Asian dancers and it was posed again and several people came to the plate with answers.
4/12/2000 Erip Desperately Seeking Alexia....or Yet More DVNH Reports
"My quixotic quest to encounter one of SoCal's most highly praised dancers, DVNH's Alexia, was delivered earlier this afternoon. I'll incorporate my impressions of her into an overall review of the club."
4/5/2000 GreenDog Open letter to the Spearmint Rhino chain
GreenDog gives 5 ways to create a great club for us all.
3/19/2000 Saxbeat Nikki Tyler, or what I want to see in a Feature
Saxbeat explains what he wants to see in a feature, including DOs and DON'Ts.
3/18/2000 Meth DVO, TL, and SRR
Meth tries to feel better about blowing $$$ by helping others.
3/16/2000 Deuce VB VIP!!!!
Deuce decides that sometimes giving is... gay.
2/23/2000 Plato Dancers through the years
Plato remembers his ATFs from Tropical Lei, Ecstasy, Mermaids and SRI, going back to 1990.
2/20/2000 Deuce, Cool Cov,
PRADA, StraDawg
Spearmint Rhino (Rialto) Mini Z-Con
Host StripperATM brings some Z-Posse members over to SRR to meet up with dancers Shyanne_Q and RanchGirl from Zchat.
2/1/2000 Saxbeat, jjackflash,
meth, oldtimer,
Z Bone, Printman,
Tish, SittingBull,
deuce, Dumbguy,
Ranchgirl, distant
admirer, JW,
coach, Jete,
Mtn. Man, B^,
Benn's Rambleday 2000
Saxbeat decided that everyone should ramble like Benn. And so they did.

 Best of ZBB -- 2000, 2001


