Z Bone Zone
Gossip and Rumors For 1995

Hey! Heard any juicy LA strip club related gossip? E-mail me ASAP before it's not hot anymore. Stop watching those soap operas and talk shows and get your water cooler talk right here.

But remember why it's called gossip and rumors, and not news and facts.

Bob's Classy Lady Wants To Get Classier

December 31, 1995
According to a source inside Bob's, they will be opening the back section (that was originally going to be for male dancers) in March 1996 or so. Instead of male dancers, they are going to have something interesting for male customers. The back area is BIG. This area is bigger than some clubs. Maybe it's going to be a basketball court.

Sam's Hof Brau Get's Viced

December 22, 1995
Vice officers from LAPD visited Sam's Hof Brau on December 20 and told the manager that they will have to stop the adult entertainment until some issues have been settled. The exact conditions and open issues were not disclosed to me. The owner has informed me that he is planning on staying open without dancers until January 3, 1996. At which time, he plans on continuing with the adult entertainment. I'm not going to hold my breath on this one.

Deja Vu Grand Opening and New Year's Eve Party

December 19, 1995
As reported here on October 28, the owner of Venus Faire is opening a Deja Vu in North Hollywood. The grand opening is set for December 29. Why is this in the gossip section and not new sightings? This club has been trying to open for a while. When it does, it will be in the new sightings section. OK?

In related gossip, the Deja Vu in Ontario is having a New Year's Eve party. They are going to have free drinks, dances and alcohol "for those over 21." Now this is a nude juice club. How is it that they can serve alcohol? Must be a loophole or something. This should be interesting.

Update December 27, 1995
You have to buy your tickets in advance for $100 a pop and you are allowed to go back and forth to a bar for your drinks.

Industrial Competes With Contest

Update December 5, 1995:
It is confirmed that there is a contest on Tuesday nights. First prize is $500! You heard right. Not bad for a couple hours worth of work, eh? Oh, The Valley Ball's prize money is $300 for first prize. Interesting.

November 13, 1995
There is a rumor going around dancers that Industrial Strip is going to start doing contests on Tuesday nights. Don't have any details regarding prize money but this competes against The Valley Ball's contest night. The Valley Ball is also in the valley area like Industrial, so it must be a coincidence that the contest is on the same night. And the fact that the owner of Industrial used to work for The Valley Ball has nothing to do with this either.

Dancer Takes on Club

December 1, 1995
An ex-dancer of The Seventh Veil has filed a suit with the California Labor Board for back pay because she claims that the club's policies are not consistent with their independent contractor status for their dancers. Depositions will be taken soon in this case.

This is similar to the situations in San Francisco and San Diego. If she wins this suit, I'm sure a line of dancers will quickly form behind her to collect money from this club and others.

John Weston's law firm in Beverly Hills has been advising their club owner clients to pay the dancers as employees to avoid this situation. I wonder if they're gloating right now?

Downtown Goes Topless Part II

November 22, 1995
It is now confirmed that a topless club is trying to open in downtown LA near the produce market. The owner tells me that he will open by the end of the month but don't hold your breath. The owner was the co-owner of the old Extasy in Northridge which was closed down after a fierce battle with the city. The other co-owner of Extasy went on to open the Extasy that is now Star Strip Too. I will keep everyone posted regarding this club.

Playtime Wanna Go Nude

November 12, 1995
Club owner type rumor is that the property owned by Playtime was bought by a club owner and he wants to close it down and open a nude club in the same spot. I was there not too long ago (see new review), and it should be closed down as a public service and just plain human decency. Why waste the good liquor and license? How about a "Going out of business sale" of the booze. I'd go if it wasn't for the smell. Aaauughh. I'm feeling sick again just thinking about it.

Bob's Looking Over His Shoulder

November 11, 1995
There is a rumor going around the dancers that a new club is trying to open near Bob's in Van Nuys. If this is true, that will put even more pressure on the already presurized The Valley Ball. This area is really getting too crowded. Wait 'til Deja Vu opens up not too far away.

Dancers Just Want to Move Around

Update November 6, 1995:
Ruby of 101 Cafe now works at Spearmint Rhino also just on Sunday nights. Jade from Rhino is now at Industrial Strip (But for how long?). C.C. from Industrial Strip has returned to Gentlemen's Club. Sheila has transferred from The Valley Ball to Star Strip. Is this like a soap opera or what?

Industrial Strip Billboard Looks Down on Veil

November 6, 1996
There is a large billboard for Industrial Strip right above the Seventh Veil on Sunset Blvd., going west. It looms over the club like a veil. I wonder if the location of the billboard was a planned. Hah. Must be a coincidence.

Sahara Multiplies Like A Rabbit

November 3, 1995
Rick Jordan <rjordan@gnn.com> reports that Sahara's ad in the Orange County Register lists the Sahara 3, (opening December 1 in City of Industry), Hawaii Theater, (opening November 20), and Paradise Theater, opening January 15, 1996. Boy, do these guys plan ahead or what?

Z Bone Web Saves You Money At Star Strip

Update December 1, 1995:
This deal is put on hold because Pete is on "vacation". I hope this is temporary.

October 30, 1995
Pete (the night manager), says if you ask for him and mention "Z Bone", you will get half off the cover ($10 / 2 = $5). What a deal! This is a limited time offer so check it out. No, I don't get anything out of it. Maybe I'll get a free lap dance. Yeah sure, from Pete maybe.

Downtown Goes Topless

October 29, 1995
A dancer friend of mine tells me that a topless club will be opening in about 2 weeks in downtown LA near Little Tokyo. I'm not aware of any other strip clubs in downtown. There sure seems to be a lot of clubs popping up lately.

Deja Vu Grows and Jacks Up Even More (Help!)

October 28, 1995
Deja Vu is opening a club in North Hollywood. The last time I checked about a month ago, the walls were going up inside. The building has high ceilings and is very large. They have also ordered 3 "handicapped" elevators for their tri-level stages. What? You heard it here first.

In a related rumor, Deja Vu in Bakersfield has jacked up it's cover to $15 from $10. According to the source, this was because it was slow, and they wanted to cater to more upscale customers. Upscale customers in Bakersfield? Raise the price to get more customers? What?

Dance Club Turns into Strip Club

October 27, 1995
On October 26, 1995, a new dance club called Aftershock was hosting a t-shirt / dance contest. Things got a little out of control for the fight for first place ($100), and one girl took her top off and another girl pulled her g-string down and bent over. Before anybody could stop them, it was all over. Although I saw some dancers there, they were not the ones that took their clothes off!

Celebrity Sightings in LA Strip Clubs

October 27, 1995
Not sure if this will hurt or help these people but I've seen the following at LA strip clubs: Sean Penn (left with 2 dancers), Wayne Gretzky, Magic Johnson, Charlie Sheen (no, really?), Judd Nelson, Billy Idol (this guy is everywhere), and Slash from G&R. I have seen many other celebrities or semi-celebrities but I don't even know their real names. Some are even semi-regulars. For example, very recently, the actor that plays Doogie Howser on TV was sighted with a bunch of his friends. What's his name?

I'm not going to list the clubs because there maybe a problem with that. But, how's that for gossip.

Star Strip Too For Sale

October 23, 1995
After some extensive renovations recently, this place is up for sale. The asking price? Try $2 million. Actually, the club looks really nice now. They even have bubbles going up a tall green water tube. Too bad there's no good looking dancers there.


Gossip and Rumors -- 1995, 1996, 1997

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