Dancer Reviews
Dancer of the Month For 1997
Pulp Fiction My pulse quickens every time I enter a new club that I have never been to. The unknown factor. I quickly scan the room.

Sometimes it's just plain infatuation. Other times, it's a more deep kind of shwing action going on. It can be her looks. It can be her brain. It can be a smell. It's never the same twice. On ASSC, it's called the X-Factor.

Whatever the magic is, some dancers just catch my fancy (and other things too). When this happens, I try to get brownie points with her by telling her I'll make her the dancer of the month.

For July 1997

Aja at Tropical Lei

AjaCalifornia blonde best describes this bombshell. As my avid readers know, I've already had a DOM from TL before, however, this reporter could not pass this hottie up. She is a compact 5' 4" and as she puts it, "a little busty". I'd say so.

In her spare time, she likes to go rollerblading, travel, go to the beach, do some watersports and hang with her friend Sophia (who also works at TL). To see Aja and Sophia enjoying some sun, click on her picture. Aja also claims to be a nudist and exhibitionist. Couldn't have guessed that one.

Aja is not only a looker, she is also a sweetie. This is not only unusual, it's an ultra-dangerous combination. The perfect manifestation of this special union is embedded in her answer to my simple question of what she likes to eat. Her answer: "I love ice cream before and after sex." I think that says it all.

Aja is not the nastiest dancer at TL by far. But with her looks, she doesn't have to be. If you go see her, be polite and be nice. Aja works at TL almost every night except Sunday and Thursday. Be sure to check her out for yourself.

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For June 1997

Alyssa at Star Strip Too

AlyssaWhen I first met this exotic looking dancer, I asked her where she had worked before. She told me she used to work as Mia at Tropical Lei. That's all I needed to hear. Alyssa is one of those rare dancers that really get into her work. She tells me that she really gets excited during her lap dances. It doesn't matter to me if she is just saying that, because her actions are hotter than her words.

Hot laps are not her only calling. Watch her closely on stage because I've rarely come across a stage dancer that simply exudes sex from every pore in her body. She really gives it all. Talk about air-sex, this is the definition, for sure.

Off stage and off your lap, she can talk sex as good as any sex phone operator. After talking to her about some interesting topics, if I had to sum her up in just one word, it would have to be kinky. Nothing wrong with that, in my book. The kinkier the better, I always say.

When Alyssa is not talking, walking and thinking sex, she's amazingly sweet and innocent looking. If you saw her at the mall, you'd never know the kinky ideas that lurk in her mind. Innocent and kinky... what a deadly combination this girl's got going for her. Scary.

Her schedule at Star Strip 2 is off and on so you'd better call first before stopping in.

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For May 1997

Kat at Star Gardens

KatAt first glance, this unassuming dancer looks like a simple neophyte. She is anything but that. She knows what's what and how to get there. If that's not enough, she's got the face that can hypnotize you with one stare and the body that you would kill for. You need just one word? How about sassy.

If you need more than that, how about a mind that can play sex games with you as well as hot sex talk. Not every dancer can look, talk, and act sexy all at once. If you're just an amateur, you'd better watch out because she could dominate you to the point of extinction.

Still not enough? In her free time, she likes to get together with girls, get into B&D, be live video on the Internet, do layouts in magazines and who knows what other kinky stuff she's into. Click on her picture to see what she looks like on live Internet video.

She's so busy that she only works at Star Gardens once a week or so. You'd better call for her schedule before coming down to the club.

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For April 1997

Leigh Landon in Canada

Ms. Landon is Miss Nude World decided to send me email about my Dancer of the Month section. Here's what she said:

Leigh"We have high standards out here and if you can't cut it in our clubs you go hungry. It seems to breed a very fine looking girl, and attributes a given. I would love to extend the invitation, drop into one of our clubs on a holiday sometime. I guarantee you WON'T be disappointed... and you may have to change your title to plural... DANCERS of the Month!

I am on a road trip this weekend heading out to Winnipeg (which we Canadians fondly refer to as WINTERPIG!) Seems the Red river flood situation has eased up and its back to the old "bump & grind"! 3 weeks in the city... featuring each week, then I return to prepare for a 2 month trip to Macau, China. It's my second tour there, money is terrific and we are talking TROPICS my friend!!!! Black sand beaches, 34 celsius (couldn't guess that in farenheit - but honey it it HOT!!) with humidity like a wet blanket! We only work nites so the day is at our leisure. They pay ALL expenses. Flights, accommodation, the worx!"

Wow! Sounds good to me. Her spunky enthusiasm, being on the 'Net, coupled with the fact that she uses a cable modem, and Z having a slow month, made me decide to grant this dancer her wish. Click on her picture to see more proof of her title. If you want to ask her about the Canadian club scene, send her email and tell her I sent you to bug her.

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For February & March 1997

Rayne & Pearl at TJ's
When It Raynes, It Pearls


Why does Z Bone have 2 dancers this month? That's what you're asking right now, right? Well, that's because Rayne and Pearl are inseparable in more ways than one. At first, I considered separating them to 2 consecutive months. After meeting them, I was sure that they had to be together in the same month.

Rayne is petite, quiet and perhaps a little shy. Pearl seems a little more out going. Most of you already know my obsession with butts, and boy do they have 2 radical ones! To get to know them much better, read my interview with both of them. My recommendation for everyone is to get a double trouble dance with both of them together. They are sensual, slow dancers that flow together naturally. There is nothing better than getting a double dance from 2 girls that really know how to work it. I've had many doubles in my day, and these girls are up there with the best.

After my double, I needed a cold shower, but instead, I got Rayne to do a dance for Pearl. Boy, does Rayne know what's up! She's definitely more aggressive than Pearl as far as the 2 of them are concerned.

For those of you who can't get to TJ's to see them in person, they have a web site where they are selling their girl/girl video. For a review of their video, click here. Of course, you can also e-mail them before you visit. If you'd like to use snail mail, write them at:

Rayne & Pearl
P.O. Box 698
Westminster, CA 92684-0698

Rayne has her own website at:
Peral has her own website at:

Rayne has a special section on this website at:

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For January 1997

Lydia at Flamingo

LydiaThis reporter first met Lydia at Bob's Classy Lady. Then she moved to a private club in Hollywood. Now, she's working at Cheetah's in Las Vegas and the Flamingo in Orange County. She likes to move around, I guess. One place that she's consistently at is ASSC. She's one of the more prominent dancer posters in that newsgroup.

She is hard to describe or classify in one word. She's young, quick witted, not afraid to say what's on her mind and has a very dry sense of humor. She has an unusual body type in that she is skinny but has a relatively large natural top. You can see by her picture that she's into the "gothic" look. Read my interview with her and you will find out what that's all about. My interview also includes a very interesting post by Lydia on ASSC regarding dating customers. Click on her picture to see the flip side of Lydia.

Lydia is my first dancer of the month that has her own website. Of course, you can also e-mail her or read her posts on ASSC.


Dancer of the Month -- 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998

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