/action message |
Sends an action (red) message.
/away message |
Set yourself as "away from keyboard" and show message.
Leave the message blank to turn this off.
/me message |
Same as /action.
/msg nickname message |
Whisper a message only to this nickname.
/nick newname |
Change your nickname to newname.
/nickserv sidentify nickname password |
If you change your nickname to another registered
nickname, you must identify yourself with your password for
the nickname.
/nickserv info nickname |
Get all available information on the nickname.
/nickserv register password youremail |
Register your nickname with password and youremail.
/nickserv set contact email |
Set your nickname's contact email address.
/nickserv set password newpass |
Change password to newpass.
/nickserv set protect on|off |
Protect your nickname from others using it by forcing the user to
enter the password.
/nickserv set url http://domain.com |
Add or change the website address associated with your nickname.
/query nickname |
Open a window for a private chat with nickname.
Double-clicking on the name will also cause the same effect.
/quit |
Leave the chat and disconnect from the server.
/topic newtopic |
Changes the topic (if allowed).
/whois nickname |
Shows you information about this nickname.