The Internet

ZBB FAQs Answered

Z Bone is proud to announce the addition of the new Bulletin Board to our website. In anticipation of questions regarding this new feature, I have added this FAQ. Please read it before emailing me with problems, bugs and comments. Thanks and enjoy!

  1. What is a Bulletin Board?
  2. What do I need to use the ZBB?
  3. How often does the ZBB get updated?
  4. Can I post ANYTHING?
  5. Can I post an anonymous message?
  6. Can I reserve my name so others can't use it?
  7. How come the name I try to register returns the message "already registered"?
  8. Are you sure you're not getting my real name?
  9. What is the number after my name mean?
  10. I forgot my password. Can you give it to me?
  11. How do I change my password?
  12. How do I change the email address that I registered with?
  13. I have a new email address. Do I have to register a new name?
  14. Which topic should I post on?
  15. How can I add a new topic?
  16. What is the difference between "Add" and "Reply to" message?
  17. How do I make those happy faces?
  18. How do I find new or recent posts?
  19. How do I search for a message?
  20. How long do the messages stay on the ZBB?
  21. Can I delete a message?
  22. How did you create this ZBB?
  23. Where are the nude pictures, dumbass?

What is a Bulletin Board?

Just like a bulletin board at school or at the grocery store, this is your opportunity to speak out and tell it like it is. To make things less cluttered, I've created topics of interest to place your messages. This makes it easier for others to find the topic of interest. You can use the ZBB to ask a question to all the readers of Z Bone, give a review of a club, rant, or just say "Hi" to everybody.

My hope is that this will allow readers to communicate with each other without revealing their email addresses if they wish to remain anonymous. The intention is to have messages related to strip clubs and dancers but if you feel like just talking about something else, put it in the "Anything Goes" topic area.

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What do I need to use the ZBB?

Since you are reading this FAQ, you already have most of what you need to use the bulletin board. To make full use of the bulletin board features, you need a browser that can execute JavaScript 1.2 and have "Cookies" activated. If you have an old browser (and don't want to upgrade), or you are using an older version of AOL, you will need to click on the "No JavaScript" selection from the main menu.

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How often does the ZBB get updated?

That's the beauty of this ZBB. It gets updated when you add something. It's real time and fast. Just post a message or reply to somebody else and as soon as you press the button to post, the message goes online on the ZBB. You don't have to wait on my lazy ass to update this puppy.

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Can I post ANYTHING?

Yes, you can post anything. However, I reserve the right to edit or delete a post for the following reasons: If there is a post that is repeated for no apparent reason, I will delete it. If a post mentions illegal activities by specific dancers or at a named club, I will redact that portion of the post. To see the entire full official rules for the ZBB, click here.

Please keep in mind that it is likely that law enforcement is reading this ZBB and would love to use it to bust dancers and/or clubs. Otherwise, if the information is incorrect or if you disagree with a post, simply post a reply message. That's the beauty of this ZBB. Everybody gets to have their say.

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Can I post an anonymous message?

Yes and no.  You do have to register your handle to post a message.  Your handle can be anything and does not have to be your real name.  In that way, you can be anonymous. To register, you need a valid email address.  However, you do not have to reveal your email address to post.

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Can I reserve my name so others can't use it?

Yes. From the main screen, click on "register NOW!" and enter your name of handle, along with your email address.

When you register for the BB, you are also automatically registered for the Reader Review Board. Use the same handle when posting on the Reader Review Board, along with the password you chose.

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How come the name I try to register returns the message "already registered"?

As of June 2003, there are over 6000 names registered so chances are the name you are trying to register is really already registered. Unfortunately, a lot of the "good" ones are already taken. Try thinking up something unique or add a number to the end of it.

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I forgot my password. Can you give it to me?

You can go to the opening BB page and click on the "Forgot your password?" link and type in your handle.  Your password will be emailed to the address that you entered when you registered.

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How do I change my password?

From the main screen, click on "Change Profile" which is at the very bottom of the screen. If you simply cannot find it, click here. Enter your username and password, then, you will be presented with a screen to allow you to change your password.

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How do I change the email address that I registered with?

From the main screen, click on "Change Profile". Enter your username and password, then, you will be presented with a screen to allow you to change your email address. A new password will be assigned to you and emailed to your new address. Please be sure to enter the correct email address or you will not be able to access your account.

Also, there is an option there to keep your email address private. If you check the option named "Show email to others", this will show when others performs a "Whois" on your name. Turn this feature off if you do not want others to see your email. If you want your email to be automatically included in your posts, check the box for "Automatically fill in email address on posts."

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I have a new email address. Do I have to register a new name?

No. You can simply update your email address. Click on the "[Change Profile]" link from the main review board page. You will be presented with a screen to allow you to change your email address. When you change your email address, we will automatically assign you a new password and email it to your new email address.  Be sure to enter the correct email address or you will not be able to login to your account.

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Are you sure you're not getting my real name?

I'm not interested in any information you don't want to post on the ZBB. Even if the FBI served me with a search warrant, I would not be able to provide anybody with any more information than what you see on the screen for yourself. Don't worry, it's safe.

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What is the number after my name mean?

The number shown after the posters name in parenthesis is the number of posts that person has submitted on It's just a raw statistical number and does not have any correlation to the quality of the posts.

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Which topic should I post on?

That's up to you but you should try to place your post in the topic that is closest to what you are talking about. If you're not sure what the topic is for, click on "All Topic Detail" to see a description of each topic and what it's for.

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How can I add a new topic?

You can't directly add a new topic. I'm trying to avoid having too many topics that would confuse everybody. If you feel that a new topic is needed, post a message in the topic "Suggest New Topic" and I will take it into consideration.

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What is the difference between "Add" and "Reply to" message?

The "Add Message" button will allow you to add a new message to the topic that you are currently in. The "Reply to Message" button should be used to answer or comment on the message that you are currently viewing. In this case, the subject of the message you are viewing will be already entered in the subject field prefixed with a "RE:" for "regarding".

Moreover, the message you are replying to will be entered into the message field. Edit out unwanted portions and only leave what you think is important for others to understand what you are replying to. This makes it easier for other readers to understand your message.

Also note that the name of the person you are replying to will also be added automatically to the message to indicate that portion was written by them and not you. At the end of their message, there will be "[]-->" appended. Enter your own name within the brackets to indicate that portion of the message was written by you. In this way, other readers can distinguish between the original posters message and your message.

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How do you make those happy faces?

You mean, this?  I donno. BTW, they are called emoticons or Zemoticons.

OK. If you really must find out, click here for a partial list. Thanks to Saxbeat and Eric for helping me with the Zemoticons. If you would like to submit your own, make sure the vertical height is no more than 12 or 13 pixels maximum.

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How do I find new or recent posts?

If you are using a browser that allows JavaScript and have your cookies turned on, you can use the "Find new messages" feature of the Search page. To do this, click on "Search", then check "Find new messages since last search", then click on the "Search" button. The next screen will show only the posts that are new since you last used this function. When you are finished, click on "Set New Posts Read" to indicate that you have read the new posts.

If you do not have JavaScript in your browser, the use the following technique. From the main "Select Topic" screen, click on "All Topic Detail". This will give you a list of all the topics, a description of what the topic is supposed to be about, the number of messages in that topic, and the date of the most recent post for each topic. From that page, you can click on the topic and go directly to a list of the messages.

Alternately, you can use the "Search" screen and use the default date (for today) and leave the other fields blank. The search will show all the messages posted today. From the search results page, you can click on the subject to see the message.

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How do I search for a message?

Click on "Search" to enter the search screen. This screen allows you to specify search parameters in order to find the message you are looking for. The first selection is the topic to search in. You may also select "All Topics" to search all the topics. The second option is to specify the date for the search. All messages that were posted starting from this date that you specify will be considered as a match. You can also narrow the search more by entering the name of the poster, a keyword in the subject and a keyword in the message itself.

Under the "name" field, there is a check box labeled "Find email addresses only". If you check this box, the search will look for the specified name and display only the email addresses. In this case, the date specified is ignored. The purpose of this function is so that you can find the poster's email address quickly without having to search for all of their posts. You may also check the "Archive" box to search for the email address in the archives (see more regarding archives below).

As of version 1.93, each keyword is looked for in each field and is once again "ANDed". [Note that from version 1.60 to 1.93, the searches were "OR"ed.] For example, if "zchat" is specified in the subject and message fields, all posts which contain the word "zchat" in the subject AND in the message will match and be displayed. Note specifically that quotes or boolean operations are not supported.

Next, you can specify the number of posts to display per page via the "Posts/Page" setting. The default is set to 20. For example, if you would like to have all of your search results shown on one page, specify 100 for this setting.  In this way, you will get all of your results at one time, instead of having to press the "next" arrow for the next page of results. However, note that if there are a lot of posts returned from the search, the resulting page may become very large and slow to download.

There are 2 more options at the bottom of the search screen. You can check the option marked "Search archive" to find messages in the archive. Note that only the archive is searched in this case. Also note that when you click on the subject to view the archived message, you can just view the message. There is no option from the view archive message screen to do anything else since the idea is to speed up the bulletin board by not allowing browsing of all archived posts. When you have read the archived message, click on your browser's "Back" button to return to the search results page.

The last option is the "Show all messages" checkbox. If you select this option, all the messages will be shown on the search results screen. This last option is a convenient way to view a few messages without having to click on the subject over and over again.

Finally, press the "Search" button to initiate your search. After the search results are displayed, there is a message "Found # matches" where the pound sign indicates the number of posts that matched the search criteria. If this number is more than 10, you will also see "Results Pages:" followed by a list of numbers. Each of these numbers is a link to another page of results. For example, if the list contain "2 3 4", this would mean you have at least 31 (and up to 40) results in the search. If you click on "3", you will get the page containing posts 31 through 39.

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How long does the messages stay on the ZBB?

Messages that are older than 5 weeks are automatically archived. Archived messages can be found using the "Search" function. There is no plans on deleting any of the archived messages since they do not slow down the main bulletin board.

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Can I delete a message?

No. Once a message is posted, it cannot be deleted by you. Since there is no way for me to verify that you are the person that put the message on the ZBB, I can't take requests to delete a message unless the content of the message hurts you in some way. If this is the case, email me your reasons and I will take that into consideration.

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How did you create this ZBB?

I wrote the ZBB using HTMLScript on my main server. I started with the sample ZBB version and goosed it up for my website. For more details regarding this language, visit their website at:

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Where are the nude pictures?

Post a message on the ZBB and maybe somebody will be able to help you.

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